Sunday, February 13, 2011

Books I Recommend 4

In my junior year of high school I wrote 2 term papers on Andy Warhol. One was for my art class and the other was for my literature class.

A friend of mine saw me write up a rough draft during lunch and said she had a book that I might like. I said whatever made me write a better paper would be great. She gave me this book. When I first saw it, I thought it was just a collection of interviews from people who had met Warhol. Then I started reading it. I was just what the title said. It was journal entries by Warhol himself collected over the years and published in one huge book. Needless to say I was dumbfounded. Since then it's become one of my favorite books to read. It's not's basically history to me. Plus, I got A's on both my papers.

If you love Warhol, or love art in general, I really recommend this book to get a glimpse of what he was like and how the mind of a great artist works.

Here's a link to excerpts from the book:

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